Beautiful Jiangshan _ Li Xin _ Complete Works + Fanwai

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Beautiful Jiangshan _ Li Xin _ Complete Works + Fanwai

There was a flash of shame and indignation on his face, and his right hand was raised high, but it trembled and did not fall. But his action still hurt my feelings, and I was so angry that I said, "You have the guts to fight!"! I know you are the emperor now, and no one can go against your dragon scales again! You can kill whoever you want! You can hit whoever you want. You are the son of heaven, all the women in the world are yours, who do you want. "Yin Lihua!" He shouted in a low voice, and though he was angry, he was still very restrained. "How can you trample on my heart?"? I can pretend that nothing happened, but.. Why must you be so protective of him? "I am for the word'righteousness'!" "How can he be righteous to me?" "He has treated me!" I stuck my neck and refused to admit my mistake. "Treat you too!" The intense contractions had already sent my mind into a frenzy. Breathing heavily, I pulled out a gold hairpin from my bun. "People can be heartless, but they can't be unrighteous!"! If you have to blame someone, then.. The initiator is me, and all the faults are borne by me alone! The gold hairpin aimed at the back of his hand, but Liu Xiu clapped it open. The contractions were getting worse, and there was a stream of hot water pouring out of my lower body, and I couldn't stop the pain. "Oh, I couldn't go on. I let out a loud, lung-splitting scream and nearly bit my tongue." Lihua " I rolled over in pain and overturned the case with one hand. Liu Xiu hugged me and roared, "Come on!" It was the first time I had witnessed his exasperation,water bottling line, without any sense of calmness or refinement. The pain made the grievance and resentment hidden in my heart burst out. I strangled his arm with my nails and trembled: "You are not me. You will never understand how much I hate in my heart.." I hate this damn feudal society, I hate this. Damn polygamy, I hate.. "Lihua.." Lihua.. "I hate." I couldn't catch my breath, and my face turned red. The sound of footsteps came in succession, and the maids and servants rushed into the hall in a panic. Liu Xiu looked at my eyes suddenly turned into despair, his face pale, his lips trembling, but a sound can not come out. I pinched his arm and wouldn't let go. The pain spread all over my limbs and bones. I shouted,PET bottle Mold, "I hate this damn.." He suddenly lowered his head and sealed my mouth. I snorted, my teeth broke his lips, and the sweet blood flowed into my mouth. His lips were cold and shivering, and his words were disorderly: "Don't hate.." "Your Majesty!"! The noble is going to give birth, please ask your majesty to avoid. "Don't hate." He hugged me tightly and refused to let go for a long time. His eyes were confused and lost focus. "Whatever you want.." Only Don't. Hate.. Don't. Hate. The sound is more and more distant, my consciousness is scattered, and finally there is only a heart-rending pain. Xiuer, you don't understand! The ideological gap of two thousand years is like an insurmountable gap! What do you want me to.. How can I love you? How can I love you freely? I actually.. Just want to love you! Simple.. Loving you.. Righteous King At the end of the winter of the fifth year of Jianwu, Ren Guang, the Marquis of Aling, died, and his son Ren Kui succeeded to the Marquis. It was also the day of Ren Guang's death that I howled for more than an hour in the side hall of the West Palace of Nangong Yeting, and finally gave birth to a baby girl exhausted. It is said that before his daughter fell to the ground, Emperor Jianwu knelt outside the side hall of the West Palace, facing the Chung Mausoleum, PET blowing machine ,water filling machine, and bowed deeply. He knelt for a full hour until the baby's loud cry spread throughout the West Palace. The day the baby was born, I passed out. I was in a coma for two days and three nights, and I couldn't get a drop of water. It is said that Emperor Jianwu sat at the head of the bed, holding a spoon, whispering, and forced the soup into my mouth over and over again. Three days later, I finally woke up, but my brain was still not working very well, as if something was missing, and I had a strong sense of loss that life was worse than death. The birth of my daughter did not bring me much surprise and happiness, on the contrary, the child's bursts of crying will inexplicably arouse the irritability of my heart. My daughter's facial features are more like her father's, especially when she opens her misty eyes and looks at you in a daze, the indescribable palpitations often make my nose sour and tears. Liu Xiu sent the memorial to impeach Feng Yi to the Guanzhong and handed it to Feng Yi. I don't know how Feng Yi reacted, because just after giving birth, he was still in confinement. Even if Liu Nengqing had sent the news to Yin Xing, I couldn't take over these things. On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month in the sixth year of Jianwu, when his daughter was one month old, Liu Xiu changed the name of "Chongling Township" to "Zhangling County", promising to exempt land taxes and all kinds of corvee from generation to generation. At the beginning of the new year, when the news of victory came, fu haing s ngor captured Qu County and killed Dong Xian, the king of Haixi, and Pang Yin, the king of Dongping. The areas along the Yangtse and Huai Rivers and in Shantung Province were finally recovered. Pang Yin died, but let me understand one thing more. Liu Xiu was very angry at Pang Yin's breach of trust that day. He said, "Give him a hundred Li of land, and I still have a day to recover it. If I really entrust my children to that old thief, how can I save them now?"? It is my fault to believe in the wrong person. This is a big mistake! Believe in the wrong person, is my fault, this fault, risk casting big mistake! Now think about it, perhaps in his mind this sentence is not just for Pang Yin. His anger, his hatred, was not directed solely at Pang Yinfa! After haing s ngor and others returned to Luoyang, Liu Xiu hosted a banquet and rewarded them with wine. My heart is getting heavier and heavier, I don't sleep enough, I don't eat enough, and with my physical and mental state, I can't raise my children by myself. Empress Guo, who had no daughter, came to the West Palace to see the child several times and proposed to take the child to the Changqiu Palace for upbringing. That day, after Liu Xiu retired from the court, he came to the West Palace to visit him as usual. When he reached out to hold the baby, I suddenly shouted nervously, "Don't touch her!"! Wanted to take her over my dead body. I pushed him away like crazy, picked up the child from the bed and held him tightly in my arms. Huang Men,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, the maid in the room, was so frightened that her face was ashen. She was in a state of panic and at a loss. She was clever to smooth things over: "The noble is joking. Your Majesty just wants to hug the little princess.." "Don't think I don't know what you're up to!" I screamed, and the baby in swaddling clothes was frightened and crying.
