CORN ROW LED LIGHT Choose not only meets the requirements of use function and lighting quality

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corn row led light choose

LED is called the fourth -generation lighting source or green light source. It has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, long life, and small volume. It can be widely used in various instructions, display, decoration, backlight, ordinary lighting, and urban night scenes. Corn Row LED LIGHT Choose is a type of LED lamps, because the LED luminous angle is 120 degrees. Considering that the light is uniform, it is specially designed to light 360 degrees. Its shape is like a corn stick.

In the lighting design, lamps that meet the requirements not only meet the requirements of the use function and lighting quality, but also facilitate the installation and maintenance, and the low -term operating costs. The following aspects should be considered:

1) Optical characteristics, such as light and glare control;

2) Economic, such as lamp efficiency, initial investment and long -term operating costs, etc.;

3) Special environmental conditions, such as the environment with a danger of fire and the danger of explosion, there are environment where dust, humidity, vibration and chemical corrosion;

4) The shape of the lamp should be coordinated with the building;

5) Lighting efficiency (高) High: η = φL/φO, depending on the shape and material of the reflector, the size of the outlet, the shaped or grille shape and material;

6) IP levels that meet environmental conditions.

Corn Row LED LIGHT Choose has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, long life, and small volume. Compared to the appearance of other ordinary light bulbs, Corn Row LED LIGHT Choose is small and exquisite, and it is a high -value light bulb. It can be widely used in the fields of various instructions, decoration, backlight, ordinary lighting, and urban night scenes.

corn row led light choose
