Chu Liuxiang series Batman

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In the main courtyard, Su Ruyan came back and had a rest after lunch. When he woke up, he sat in front of the window and read medical books. After a while,Magnesium Sulphate producer, Suiyu came in. Sui Yu saluted Su Ruyan and said, "Empress, Concubine Xu of the Third Prince's

He felt that he was really a bastard plus eight levels, obviously has such a good friend, but also to find someone else, but also. Break her heart. Even his eyes were a little red and his nose was a little sour. Who on earth was exclaiming just now? Why exclaim ?โ€ "What on earth is that sound?" Why didn't Jin Lingzhi go to the appointment? What made her change her mind? ?โ€ Hu Tiehua has long forgotten all these problems. As long as there are old friends like Gao Yanan around, why should we take other things to heart? Hu Tiehua rubbed her nose and said, I.. I'll try to find the wine. Where will you wait for me? Gao Yanan smiled and said, "You are exactly the same as you were seven or eight years ago. You haven't changed at all." Hu Tiehua gazed at her and said, "You haven't changed either?" Gao Ya-nan lowered his head even lower, sighed softly, and said, "I.." I'm getting old. Her cheeks were flushed, and in the dim light she looked younger than she had been seven or eight years ago. How can a lonely man control himself when he meets his former lover? Gao Yanan is like this, so is Hu Tiehua? He even forgot the snag he had just hit. He couldn't help taking her hand and said, "We." As soon as these two words were spoken, there was a sudden "boom". A big shock like the collapse of the sky! The whole ship seemed to be thrown up, and the brass lamp embedded in the wall was fluttering and going out. Gao Yanan gave a light shout and fell into Hu Tiehua's arms. Hu Tiehua himself could not stand well, so he stumbled back and bumped into a man. I don't know when Zhang San opened the door and came out. He got here so fast. Has he been standing at the door eavesdropping? Hu Tiehua did not forget to give him a hard look in his busy schedule and said in a low voice, "It seems that you are really a natural thief." Move, be careful of a big hemorrhoid on your eyes. Zhang San grinned and said, "I didn't see or hear anything." Before he had finished speaking, he ran away. It was dark between heaven and earth. The starlight and moonlight have been covered by dark clouds, and the lights have been blown out by the howling wind. The ship was listing, and the wind, with its huge waves,Magnesium Oxide MgO, rolled up on the deck. Even the voices were swallowed up. Nothing could be seen or heard but the wind and the waves. No one knows what has happened! All the people have been crowded onto the deck, have been scared pale, this is the power of heaven and earth, this is no one can resist. Yes. Everyone held on to something for fear of being swept away and swallowed up by the huge waves. Only a few people were still standing there steadily, their clothes soaked by the huge waves, but their expressions were still very calm. Set. Especially yuan Suiyun. He was even calmer than Chu Liuxiang. In fact, he just stood there and listened quietly. No one knows what he can hear! The wave rolled over and a sailor was hit by it. As soon as yuan Suiyun stretched out his hand, he helped him. "What happened?" He asked in a deep voice. The sailor covered his mouth with his hand and hissed, "The ship is on the rocks and the bottom is beginning to leak." Only then did yuan Suiyun frown and say, "Where is the helmsman leading the way?" "I haven't seen it," said the sailor. "I haven't found it anywhere. Maybe it's been swept away by the waves." Chu Liuxiang, who had been standing beside yuan Suiyun, Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer ,magnesium sulfate monohydrate, suddenly said, "How long can this ship last?" "It's hard to say," said the sailor, "but it won't take more than half an hour at most." Chu Liuxiang hesitated and said, "I'll go ahead and have a look." His figure leaped up, only flashed, and seemed to be swallowed up by the storm. A list of reefs. In the dark night, it looks like the giant teeth of the ancient flood monster. Almost half of the hull was bitten. Chu Liuxiang suddenly found that there seemed to be a flash of shadow on the reef. It was so dark and so windy that of course he could not distinguish the shape and face of the man. He only felt that the figure had excellent flying skills and looked very familiar. Who is this guy? Why did he leave the ship in such a storm? Where is he going? ? It was also dark in the distance, and nothing could be seen, as if they had reached the ground through the rows of beast-like rocks. The edge of prison. Is this man willing to go to hell? One of them said in a deep voice, "Did Xiang Shuai ever find anything?" The original cloud unexpectedly followed, and knew that Chu Liuxiang was here. Although he was blind, he seemed to have another eye in his heart. Chu Liuxiang hesitated and said, "There seems to be a man on the reef.." "Man?" Said yuan Suiyun? Where ?โ€ Chu Liuxiang gazed at the darkness in the distance and said, "I've already galloped over there." "What's that over there?" Asked yuan Suiyun. "I don't know," said Chu Liuxiang. "I can't see." yuan Suiyun said thoughtfully, "Since someone is going that way, there must be an island there." "Even if there were," said Chu Liuxiang, "it would in fact be an uninhabited desert island." "Why?" Asked yuan Suiyun. "If there are people, there must be a light," said the burning incense. "Didn't Xiang Shuai see the light?" Asked yuan Suiyun. "No, nothing," said Chu Liuxiang. yuan Suiyun was silent for a long time before he said slowly, "Anyway, it's at least safer over there than here. Otherwise, why did he go there?" Go that way? Chu Liuxiang nodded and said, "He must know where that is, but we don't." "So we should at least go and have a look," said yuan Suiyun. "It's better than staying here." Hu Tiehua followed him and immediately said, "OK, I'll go." yuan Suiyun smiled and said, "In normal times, I wouldn't dare to compete with you, but at this time, blind man?" Those who can see may not see those who have eyes. His body suddenly swept up, his sleeves spread, and he brought a burst of energy, and when the wind disappeared, his people had disappeared into the darkness. Li. It's like he's riding the wind. Everyone seemed to be stunned. After a long time,calcium nitrate sol, Zhang San sighed and murmured, "Quiet as a virgin, moving as a rabbit.".
