Chocolate: A Delicious and Versatile Food Item

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It has its origins in Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs and Mayans who first cultivated the cocoa bean plants. The Aztecs believed that cocoa beans were a gift from their gods

Origins and History

It has its origins in Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs and Mayans who first cultivated the cocoa bean plants. The Aztecs believed that cocoa beans were a gift from their gods and used them as currency and in medicinal practices. When Spanish explorer Hernando Cortés first encountered it in the early 16th century, he brought cocoa beans back to Europe which helped popularize its consumption outside of Mesoamerica. By the 17th century, it had become a popular drink among the European elite and its consumption continued to grow, helped by new production technologies in the 19th century which made it more widely available and affordable.

Types and Varieties

There are different types and varieties of it based on the proportion of cocoa and other ingredients used. Milk Chocolate contains cocoa solids along with milk powder which gives it a milder taste than dark. Dark has a higher cocoa content and less sugar, giving it a richer and slightly bitter flavor. White technically does not qualify as it since it contains no cocoa solids, being made primarily from cocoa butter, milk, sugar and flavorings.

 It comes in several percentages indicating the amount of cocoa solids - from lower amounts like 30-35% to semi-sweet or bitters around 60-70% and very dark upwards of 85%. Some typical varieties include Swiss, Belgian, German and French chocolates which are known for their unique recipes and flavors.

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