Tang Shuanglong Biography-Huang Yi _ txt Novel Paradise

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Tang Shuanglong Biography-Huang Yi _ txt Novel Paradise

Kou Zhong sighed, "Alas!"! If there are people like Ba Feng Han and Yang Xuyan here, it will be enough for me to try the knife! The scene was extremely strange. Although there was a lot of shouting and fighting all around, the two of them came here as if they were walking happily and chatting about their martial arts. Xu Ziling suddenly moved sideways, snatched a knife and a sword from the attack, two feet disease, at the same time backhand throw out the sword, four Hu Kou immediately reported, for a time no one dared to provoke them. When Xu Ziling returned to Kou Zhong's side, he elbowed him and said with a smile, "Don't forget I'm your opponent. Bring it on!"! Let me see if you are like a tiger with wings added or like a rat with a tumor after you have the moon in the well. As Xuexue cried out in pain, Kou Zhong put on a pose and said with a strange smile, "You boy love to lecture me with a straight face these days. This time I will get revenge. Look at the knife!" However, this knife was the first to strike a young and heroic Hu Han. Zheng! The man actually carried his sword against the moon in the well and fought back fiercely. His swordsmanship was fierce and profound, and he was obviously a master of Hu Kou's help. Forgetting Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong moved sideways, imagining a heavy yellow awn, and attacked the people like a big wave of the Yangtze River. The man blocked seven knives in a row. When! With a sound, the sword was broken in the middle. Kou Zhongjing Zhongyue took advantage of the situation to rush in,polyfoil tube, and the man was so clever that he could pull out the dagger in time. "Ding" blocked the killing move and drifted back to find Zhang. Xu Ziling was also trapped in the tight encirclement, but he shouted, "I'm going to see something!" Fists and feet together, just kill a way out, toward the direction of the high platform. When Kou Zhong wanted to chase after him, a flower in front of his eyes blocked the way for three people, including the skillful barbarian just now,tube lip gloss, who had changed another sword in his hand. "Who is my friend?" The young barbarian shouted? Skillful fruit is good, I do not know what is the relationship with the dominant villa? Kou Zhong laughed and said, "I've never heard of dominating the villa. I don't want to change my name. I don't want to change my name. That's Kou Zhong.". Where do you come from? Why do you have the courage to run wild in my Middle Earth? When the three barbarians heard the name of Kou Zhong, they turned pale. "Do you know me?" Asked Kou Zhong in astonishment. Hu Renren, who had just fought with Kou Zhong, said, "I am Geng Ge Hu'er, the third disciple of Tiele'Flying Eagle 'Qu Ao. Kou Zhong sent you to the door today. You can't leave with your life. Go!" Two barbarians behind him immediately spread out and surrounded Kou Zhong in the middle. Kou Zhong shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "So Ren Shaoming is really one of yours. Anyway, my hands are so itchy that I'll take you to sacrifice my sword."! Ha ※※※ When Xu Ziling broke through the heavy enemy defense network, sharp whistles sounded on the battlefield, implying certain rules and instructions, directing the advance and retreat of the Hu people, cosmetic tube packaging ,empty cosmetic tubes, which increased his pressure. However, the two of them had apparently pinned down the main force of the Tiele people, so that the men in black who dominated the villa were greatly boosted, and launched wave after wave of attacks on the high platform. Xu Ziling entered a state of mind as calm as water. Although he was surrounded by scuffles, he could clearly grasp the actual situation of the enemy and himself. He could always avoid the enemy who came to intercept him first, so that they could not form a situation of encirclement. The Black Warrior regarded him as his own man, and sometimes blocked the Tiele who attacked him. When it was still ten feet away from the high platform, a charming shout came from above. Xu Ziling quickly judged that the comer was a first-class player, and with a sharp shout, he rose to the sky. In the light of the fire, a beautiful woman in red with pink arms and a round navel was exposed. The short blades of her left and right hands turned into two groups of flame-like light. One up and one down, they were imprinted on his face and chest. They were swift and fierce. This female outline is extremely beautiful, clear and distinct like a knife, a pair of beautiful eyes are more elves like gems, attractive to the extreme. However, Xu Ziling was not distracted by her beauty at all, and patted her left and right palms one after another. Peng! Peng! The two men crossed the line and exchanged three more moves. Xu Ziling used the next clever strength, but was able to take advantage of the force to rise, like a big bird to the high platform. The beautiful Hu Nu obviously could not imagine that Xu Ziling could not only seal her sharp moves, but also be smart enough to take off, and it was too late to catch up. www.xiaoshuotxt.,com [Volume 8] Chapter 10 Enchantress Saint t? Xt _ Xiao _ Shuo Tian \ Tang As soon as Kou Zhongjing Zhongyue made a strong wind all over the sky, he opened the left and right sides to attack two broadswords. Qu Ao's third disciple, Geng Ge Huer, strode over and stabbed head-on with his sword. Before the sword arrived, the cold enveloped the whole front of Kou Zhong. Kou Zhong knew that this sword was the result of Geng Ge Hu'er's whole body skill. While he was busy blocking his two men, he looked at the gap and went in. It was very powerful. He was greatly satisfied with it. He hit the sword quickly and cut it away. Huang Mang made a deafening sound everywhere. Kou Zhong stood like a mountain, but Geng Ge Huer took two steps back. The two swords attacked again, making it difficult for Kou Zhong to pursue. Although the two Tiele masters were good at martial arts, Kou Zhong was sure that he could clean up anyone with only three moves. But when they joined hands to attack, because of the time angle, he could not deal with one of them with all his strength, so he felt quite powerless. And from this it can be seen that the two men are performing a mysterious art of joint warfare, which together can control opponents who are stronger than them in martial arts. Kou Zhong, however, was fearless and heroic. Flashing left and right, he evaded the enemy's sword with a strange posture as fast as a fish. Whoosh! Geng elder brother call son long sword again, still learn just a sword to stab. Although it was a simple and incomparable sword, Kou Zhong gave birth to the feeling that he could not dodge, and carried the moon in the well to fight back. When! Kou Zhongjing Zhongyue Huang Mang flourished again and opened the enemy's sword again. This time Geng Ge Huer was shocked to retreat three steps, and Kou Zhong also moved back a small half step. Both of them were surprised at the same time. Kou Zhong was surprised that Geng Ge Hu'er's sword suddenly increased in power for no reason, far better than the former sword,cosmetic plastic tube, which made his own blood churn up. If his next sword is also increased in this proportion, it is strange that he is not defeated. Brother Geng was surprised by Kou Zhong's tenacity. You should know that his unique move named "Seven Turns of Wild Waves" is one of the three extraordinary skills created by Qu Ao. Each knife can absorb a little of the opponent's power and turn to strengthen his own sword, which is very strange. emptycosmetictubes.com
