Betray the angel

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"Come on!" "Hit him! Give that boy a good beating!" "Come on!"

"Come on!" "Hit him! Give that boy a good beating!" "Come on!" On the other side of the playground, under a tall tree, a group of children of seven or eight years old gathered around to cheer up a pair of little boys who were fighting on the ground. The one with the upper hand was a fat, red-haired, freckled boy, who proudly pinned his opponent to the ground and was about to swing his fist and give him a good blow! In the distance came the beep of a whistle and the disorderly sound of footsteps. "Here comes the teacher!" All the people immediately dispersed in a hubbub. When the red-haired boy was ready to run, he was stopped by an angry roar. After all, the little boy was somewhat afraid of the teacher and stopped without running a few steps. "You're bullying people again!" The male teacher looked at him, his eyebrows twisted in a straight line, and he really had no way to deal with this lawless little guy. "Go back to class. We'll discuss your punishment later." Another little boy covered with dust struggled to get up from the ground and straightened his back stubbornly. As a child of seven, he looked much weaker. "Is everything all right, Jay?" The male teacher helped him pick up the books scattered on the ground. The little boy bowed his head in silence, his bright blue eyes shining behind thick lenses, and a light different from that of children of the same age was obvious. "Shakespeare's Dramatic Poems?" The male teacher handed him the book and caught a glimpse of its vermilion bronze cover. "I thought you were done." "No,outdoor ficus tree, the last one was an anthology by Maupassant." He answered in a whisper, dusting the knees of his jeans. The bell on the stove rang. "Really?" The male teacher is still a little worried. "I will punish Dennis well. I have warned him more than once. This time —" "It's all right, teacher." The little boy habitually pushed his glasses. "I'm going to the stove. Thank you, teacher. Goodbye." The backbone of the Weschfield campus is five buildings, of which the gymnasium is located,silk ficus tree, and the four buildings in the southeast and northwest are classrooms for all grades. He ran to the classroom of the tenth to twelfth grade. "The teacher hasn't come yet?" After he rushed into the classroom, he breathed a big sigh of relief and went to his habitual seat. "Where have you been?" Next to him, Angela noticed the scratch on his face, gasped, and hurriedly pulled out a wet tissue and handed it over. "Is it Dennis's masterpiece?" She asked in a low voice, with an inexhaustible sense of guilt and helplessness to her brother's stubbornness. "I'm sorry." "It wasn't your fault, Angela." The little boy obviously didn't want to continue the topic. Angela wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the teacher entering the classroom. "Good morning, everyone. Have you brought your last assignment for factoring calculus?" The students chimed in with one voice, and the little boy, artificial banyan trees ,large palm trees for sale, like the others, quickly handed in his homework. He is the man of the hour in this school. A year ago, when his mother personally sent him to school, the school did the usual aptitude and intelligence tests. At that time, a group of children and a group of parents made the newly appointed female teacher so busy that he was forgotten in the corner. "Mom, it doesn't matter if you go back first. I know you only asked for two hours' leave from the restaurant." His mother had no choice but to leave, but he was still sitting quietly in the corner. It was not until a long time later that the teacher noticed him and found that he was reading the encyclopedia on the teacher's desk. So later, the school did another test for him and found that his IQ was 2.47. This immediately set the whole school on fire, raising more eyebrows than his status as a fatherless child. Although single-parent families are common in the United States, this is not the case in the conservative and simple town of Lun Ma. A few people look down on them, but most people look at them with pity. After all, eight years ago, it was the man who walked away, not the woman's fault. But Jay's life is still lonely and lonely. There are few friends who can confide in him. Angela is his best friend. He is seven years old and she is seventeen years old. Ironically, Dennis, Angela's younger brother, who is known as the "King of Children" in the lower grades, hates him very much and treats him as a thorn in his side. Even with the admonition and punishment of adults, he still takes pleasure in bullying him. "Let's look at the second page of the handout. Angela, can you write the first question?" The teacher's inquiry soon interrupted her thoughts, and she had to concentrate on the stove hall. "Jay, what are you doing tomorrow?" At the end of the day, the students rolled up their schoolbags and went with their friends. Angela deliberately slowed down and accompanied him for a walk in the corridor. "Hit the computer." Jay's blue watery eyes sparkled at the mention of his hobby. The little genius is interested in nothing more than this. The computer is the biggest surprise that Jay's mother gave him on his birthday half a year ago. Angela knew just how "high" his skills were, and sometimes she didn't dare to feel that kind of enthusiasm. Jay once joked that his level of computer play could be called in karate terms, and that he had only reached the level of "third Dan.". Where have you been this time? Angela asked idly, not without reason, as the last time he showed her the "game" he was playing, it was the vault computer data network of the state's largest bank. If the little boy wants to steal it, he only needs to press a few more keys to transfer the money without being noticed. So Angela wouldn't be surprised if he cracked the Federal Reserve's code this time. "Are you free to come to my house tomorrow?" Jay asked her. "I have something to show you." * * * The photo is a little yellow, as if it had been forgotten for a long time. It was a rough and handsome man, about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a faint smile on his firm and thick lips. On the knife-cutting face,fake blossom tree, a pair of blue eyes are as sharp as eagles. He is tall and stocky like a lumberjack, but exudes a cool, calm air. Angela's girlish heart was immediately enchanted. Jay looked at her with a little amusement as she held the photo in her hand and drooled. Who is this? Are you going to set me up with a boyfriend? He really laughed out loud.
