Why BSL is so Awesome – 20 Advantages!

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Hey everyone! I wanted to talk about why BSL (breed-specific legislation) is so awesome! There are many advantages to having these laws in place, and here are just 20 of them:

1. It keeps our communities safe by preventing dangerous dogs from being bred or imported into our country.

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2. It helps us identify dog owners who may be irresponsible or abusive, and puts them on notice that their behavior will not be tolerated.
3. It encourages responsible dog ownership, since all dog owners must follow the regulations set forth by BSL.
4. It ensures that all dogs receive proper training, socialization, and veterinary care.
5. It protects innocent victims of dog attacks, who can now sue the owner of the offending dog for damages.
6. It deters would-be criminals from using dogs as weapons or tools for their criminal activities.
7. It educates the public about which breeds of dogs are most likely to cause injuries or fatalities in an attack situation.
8. It provides a framework for dealing with dangerous dogs, including specifying what actions must be taken when a dog poses a threat to public safety. 9 .It encourages responsible breeding practices, reducing the number of dogs who end up in shelters or euthanized each year . 10 .It gives law enforcement officials a tool they can use to crack down on illegal animal fighting operations . 11 .It allows authorities to seize and quarantine dangerous animals before they can do any harm . 12 .It creates a uniform system for identifying dangerous breeds , making it easier to track data and trends related to bites and attacks . 13 ..It helps fund research into canine aggression , so that we can better understand why some breeds are more likely than others to cause injuries or fatalities . 14 ..BSL sends a clear message that our society will not tolerate violent behavior towards animals , whether it’s coming from humans or other animals 15 ..BSL puts pressure on breeders to only produce healthy puppies , reducing the number of genetic health problems within certain breeds 16 ..BSL raises awareness about how important it is to spay/neuter your pets 17..BSL discourages people from adopting exotic pets like wolves or bears 18..BSL makes sure that people know the risks involved with owning certain breeds of dogs 19..BSL teaches children how to behave around unfamiliar animals 20..And finally, BSL saves lives
