What's the Difference Between Managing and Leading?

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The main difference between managing and leading is that managers are responsible for the organization's resources and how they're used, whereas leaders are responsible for the vision, mission, and culture of the organization.

Managers make sure things get done efficiently and effectively, while leaders inspire people to be their best selves and work towards a common goal. Managers are analytical and logical, while leaders are creative and intuitive. Leaders also tend to be better at building relationships with others.

10 Difference Between Management Leadership

1. There is a natural tension between management and leadership, as each has its own focus and set of objectives. Management is primarily focused on ensuring that all the necessary steps are taken to meet operational goals, whereas leadership is more concerned with setting the vision and inspiring people to achieve it.
2. Management is about doing things right, while leadership is about doing the right thing.
3. Management ensures that everyone follows the rules, while leadership inspires people to do their best work within those rules.
4. Management focuses on maintaining order, while leadership creates opportunities for change and growth.
5. Management asks how things can be made more efficient, while leadership asks what new possibilities could be pursued if efficiency were no longer.
