The Healthy Benefits of Seafood Broth

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Seafood broth, also known as fish broth or seafood stock, is a healthy and nutritious liquid made by simmering bones, shells, heads and other parts left over from preparing seafood.

Seafood broth is known for its rich, delicious flavor but did you know it is also extremely nutritious and healthy? Seafood broth made from bones, shells, and other scraps left over from preparing seafood can provide many important nutrients that are beneficial for our health.

Vitamins and Minerals Galore
Seafood broth is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. The long simmering process helps extract these nutrients from the seafood ingredients into the broth. A cup of homemade seafood broth provides over 10% of the Daily Value for selenium, vitamin B3, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a good source of iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. All of these nutrients play important roles in maintaining overall health and wellness.

The selenium in Seafood Broth acts as an antioxidant, helping protect cells from damage. Vitamin B3 (niacin) promotes healthy skin and digestion while vitamin B12 is crucial for energy production and keeps red blood cells and nerves functioning properly. The omega-3s support heart and brain health. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Phosphorus and magnesium aid in bone health as well.

Whether you make seafood broth at home or purchase high quality canned varieties, incorporating this nourishing stock regularly into your diet provides abundant vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fats that promote whole body wellness. Its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve pain while gut-soothing gelatin and collagen benefits digestion. Heart-healthy omega-3s in seafood broth also lower disease risk factors. Easy to freeze and use in soups or risottos, seafood broth adds a wealth of flavorsome nutrition to any meal. Make the most of shells and bones from your favorite seafood by simmering a pot of this healthy comfort food at home.

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