Understanding Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer Technique

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Time-of-flight mass spectrometers are able to achieve extremely high mass resolution and mass accuracy for ions transmitted by the quadrupole. Overall, Q-TOF provides fast, accurate, and sensitive mass analyses.


A quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer is a mass spectrometry instrument that combines the technologies of a quadrupole mass filter and an orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The quadrupole mass filter acts as a mass-selective filter that transmits ions within a narrow mass range to the time-of-flight analyzer. Time-of-flight mass spectrometers are able to achieve extremely high mass resolution and mass accuracy for ions transmitted by the quadrupole. Overall, Q-TOF provides fast, accurate, and sensitive mass analyses.

Basic Components and Working

Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer instrument consists of three main components - an ion source, a quadrupole mass filter, and an orthogonal time-of-flight mass analyzer. Ions entering the spectrometer are produced by an ionization source like electrospray ionization or matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization. These ions are focused into the quadrupole mass filter, which transmits ions within a narrow mass window, filtering out ions outside the selected mass range. The mass-filtered ions then enter the orthogonal time-of-flight analyzer tube. A pulsed ion extraction voltage is applied, accelerating the ions into the flight tube. Lighter ions achieve higher velocities than heavier ions and therefore reach the detector at different times depending on their m/z ratios. This enables the mass spectrum to be recorded.

Capabilities and Applications of Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer

The combination of quadrupole filtering and time-of-flight analysis provides several key capabilities. It offers fast scan speeds, high mass resolution and mass measurement accuracy - enabling identification of analytes within complex mixtures. Q-TOF can perform MS, MS/MS, and accurate mass measurements on diverse samples ranging from small molecules to proteins. Its applications include proteomics, metabolomics, drug discovery, petroleomics, glycomics, lipidomics, and environmental/food analysis. MS/MS capability facilitates sequencing and structural elucidation. Its speed, sensitivity and accuracy also make it suitable for quantitative analysis using stable isotope labeling or label-free methods. Many leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies rely on Q-TOF instruments for their research needs.

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