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Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Removes Smallest Bacteria

One of the best and safest ways to purify your drinking water is to use the reverse osmosis water purifier. It removes even the smallest particles from your drinking water, most of these particles are smaller than the eye ca

Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Removes Smallest Bacteria

One of the best and safest ways to purify your drinking water is to use the reverse osmosis water purifier. It removes even the smallest particles from your drinking water, most of these particles are smaller than the eye can see.

Reverse Osmosis was developed by the U.S. government to desalinate sea water for ships and submarines. One of the major advantages of reverse osmosis water purifiers is that they do not use any chemicals such as chlorine or iodine and do not require frequent filter changes or cleaning.

The secret of reverse osmosis is its abality to filter out even the smallest of particles . The human hair is about 1 micron, however disease causing bacteria is much smaller, typically between about .01 and .001 micron. A reverse osmosis water purifier utilizes layers of membranes, rolled into a cylinder with effective filtering to .0001 microns.

Due to the small size of the membranes it takes longer for the water to filter. The typical single-family home use will usually need at least 50 gallons of water per day and achieving that capacity will depend on the length and number of the membrane sheets within the filter.

Typically a larger quantity of shorter membranes allow water to pass through more quickly while fewer sheets of longer membranes may still increase the time it take to filter the water. Units mounted under the kitchen sink are excellent alternatives to larger whole house units. They will allow for filtering all your drinking and cooking water while reducing the expense of filtering all your water.

Water in Water out

Temperature and pressure of the water flowing into the system will affect the filtering capacity or the reverse osmosis purifier. Industry recommendations call for water pressure of 50 psi @ 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Since most home water supplies do not fall into this category, most reputable reverse osmosis water purifier suppliers will not usually guarantee a specific claim as the amount of water that a system will produce daily.

The life of the membrane filters is an added advantage of the reverse osmosis water purifier. Other types of water filtration systems require a new filter between two and four weeks, depending on the type and density of the impurities in the water. Most reverse osmosis water purifier systems have a self-cleaning ability that uses unfiltered water to wash over the membranes, vanishing collected impurities into its drainage system. Of course one of the drawbacks to this is a lot of water goes to waste, this may or may not matter depending on if you are paying for the water you are filtering.

Due to the fact the impurities are washed down the drain and you are not trying to pass water through a filter that is already loaded down with contaminants your water will be more consistent and cleaner.

R-O units can easily be found at all the major home centers and online and are a worthwhile and healthy investment.

